Find the Words

resolute  adjective /ˈrɛzəluːt/
admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering

My name is Susan, and I’m a wordsmith.

Friends think of it as an obsession. I see it as a calling. You can consider it an invaluable resource.

Pecking at the keys of a humming Smith Corona typewriter in my college dorm, I realized I’m driven to make sense of the world with words. Faced with a complex historical period or policy conundrum, I’d eagerly dig for facts; sift out a fistful of valuable insights; then fashion sentences, paragraphs and pages to set them sparkling. I forged a sense of order and understanding with the thoughtful choice of words.

I continued writing during my years as an investment banker, chief financial officer and community volunteer. I became adept at linking together and polishing words to create

  • Comprehensive business & communication plans
  • Lucid shareholder reports & employee communications
  • Persuasive political flyers & fundraising appeals
  • Effective event posters & programs
  • Appealing websites, Facebook pages & educational materials
  • Passionate editorial pieces
  • Impactful press releases or email campaigns
  • Cogent financial & strategic presentations for boards, lenders, investors or shareholders
  • Insightful business presentations to corporate clients or partners
  • Engaging speeches, conference scripts & road show presentations for brokers
  • Instructive talking points for shareholder meetings or for conference calls with analysts

I also became a skilled remediator, reversing the damage of the wrong words used by well-meaning clients or colleagues. The boring, confusing or poorly reasoned presentation that sabotaged a worthy cause. The polished but glib speech that funneled precious resources to an ill-conceived scheme.

I’ve become a resolute writer. I’m determined to help other people make sense of their world with words. I’d like to help you

  • Clarify, then organize, your ideas & plans
  • Identify your audiences: customers, clients, constituencies, benefactors or a broader public
  • Craft a compelling message
  • Develop an effective communication/social media strategy
  • Write copy and online content for your ongoing dialogue

I’m committed to providing service that’s thorough & professional, in a conscientious & timely manner. More importantly, I’m committed to lending a hand to people who are passionate about a worthy cause, whether it’s their business or their favorite philanthropy – Resolute Clients.  Contact me. I can help.